Alexus Campbell




Goal: $5,000

Before her diagnosis, Alexus was very active. She loved to swim, be outdoors, jump on the trampoline, and she loved to ride bikes with her siblings.
When the doctors came in and told us that it was, in fact, cancer, I felt like a pain hit my stomach & I was extremely upset & mad at the same time. I felt like it was unfair for her to have to go through this. I felt like I wanted to take it for her. She was quiet. After the doctors left, she cried and said why did this happen to me?

The diagnosis has changed her life dramatically as she lost so much of her teenage years she can’t get back. She physically can’t do a lot of things she could before. She feels like she doesn’t fit in. She’s had so many obstacles in life that no child should have to face.
She loved riding bikes with her sister. She is unable to do that now because of the effects of chemo.
She loved going to the trampoline park with the kids and now she has to sit on the bench and watch.

We feel like we mainly just missed a long time as a family, honestly. We miss having family time without the financial burden this has left us with.
I think it would give us time to spend together, where we can have fun. We could see her enjoy herself with her siblings. We could see her just get to be her, be a kid for a while, and have fun. I know that she would absolutely love it.

I think for us, Cancer has taken things from our daughter that she can never give back. The chemo affected her heart, her legs, and her dignity in so many ways. It’s put a financial burden on us. It’s made us miss so much time with our kids. It’s made us all so terrified. Terrified of our daughter not making it. We have all shed so many tears we could fill a lake.
I think this dream and trip could give us time. It was time that we could watch our kids smile with their sisters and laugh with their sisters. Most of all, not cry, not struggle & not be scared. Just live in the moment and truly have fun. We need that. Alexus needs that.

- Alisa Tune

What will it take?!

It will cost $5,000 to fulfill our goal of covering the costs of Alexus's dream trip.
If just 50 people gave $100, we would reach this goal!

Any funds raised after our $5,000 goal will go on to help more kids like Alexus!

Looking to donate through Apple or Google Pay?

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Stay updated with Alexus’ story!

We’ll continue to update this page as Alexus’ story unfolds.


Eliana Barrera


Evelena Chee-Metternick