Isaac Wicklund




Goal: $10,000
Raised: $7,823

Isaac is a 15-year-old boy from Ramsey, MN, who was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis and cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome in September 2018.

Before diagnosis, he was very caring and thoughtful. He's also really funny with a quirky sense of humor. He enjoys making funny videos with friends, cracking jokes and especially loves sharing dad jokes.

Isaac has faced ongoing challenges with his immune system, coping with a difficult CAPS diagnosis that caused various childhood symptoms. Over time, he developed muscle weakness, affecting his daily life. In 2022, he was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis, impacting muscle control and leading to multiple instances of respiratory failure, necessitating ICU admissions and extended ventilator use. Isaac not only has Myasthenia Gravis but also significant hearing loss in one ear and profound loss in the other. Moreover, he deals with gastroparesis, affecting his food digestion. To manage this, he travels from Minnesota to California every 6-8 weeks for a sedated procedure, essential for nutrient absorption. His health conditions have led to complications.

His mom said, “I explain it to people sometimes like it feels like there's, you know, sometimes when you get a tornado that's big enough, it'll spin up these side tornadoes, kind of, that's how it feels that we have this big tornado.” Isaac should be driving by now, but his health condition prevents it. The family has had to cancel many vacations and miss important events like holidays due to medical commitments. Last year, during his older sister's wedding, Isaac was in the PICU on a ventilator, highlighting the unfortunate timing of his hospitalizations. This emphasizes how frequently he is hospitalized.

That is why we’re on a mission to raise $10,000 to fund a special trip for Isaac and his family to Hawaii. This journey will offer them a chance to make happy memories in a different setting, providing a break from their current challenges!

What will it take?!

It will cost $10,000 to fulfill our goal of covering the costs of Isaac's dream trip.
If just 100 people gave $100, we would reach this goal!

Any funds raised after our $10,000 goal will go on to help more kids like Isaac!

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Stay updated with Isaac’s story!

We’ll continue to update this page as Isaac’s story unfolds.


Leah Faith Soner


Cye Zamora